AUT scholar wins Fulbright
23 Feb, 2022
Congratulations to the Business School's Tago Mharapara, who will head to Brown University in the USA as a 2022 Fulbright New Zealand scholar.
AUT at Best Awards 2021
22 Feb, 2022
AUT’s Art and Design students have won a total of 40 awards at 2021’s Best Awards, including 14 Gold, 12 Silver and 14 Bronze.
Happy workers are hybrid workers
22 Feb, 2022
New data show that hybrid workers – those who combine working from home and the office – are the happiest and most innovative employees.
Predicting changes in clinical status
Health sciences
21 Feb, 2022
New research in palliative care shows that machine learning can predict changes in patients’ clinical status, enabling early medical interventions.
Graduate and AUT help Tongan recovery
Engineering, computer and mathematical sciences
18 Feb, 2022
An AUT engineering graduate living in Tonga reached out to AUT staff to help reconnect vital communications following the devastating volcanic eruption.
Can big oil help save the planet?
Social sciences and public policy
17 Feb, 2022
Culpability for past actions aside, there might be a way we can use the fossil fuel industry to combat climate change.
To prosecute or not?
11 Feb, 2022
Decisions to prosecute must be supported by transparency and oversight to ensure the process is consistent, equitable and reflects public input.
Wellbeing at work expert wins top award
10 Feb, 2022
AUT has awarded its preeminent academic award, the AUT University Medal, to the Business School’s Professor Jarrod Haar (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Mahuta).
Preparing students to make an impact
08 Feb, 2022
There’s growing recognition of the value of entrepreneurial skills, and the AUT Business School’s entrepreneurship courses help students make an impact.