Postgraduate and researchers news

Jarrod Haar_Landscape

Who leads better - Women or men?

18 May, 2020
Does gender influence how good a leader you are? Does it matter if you’re a male employee working for a female leader? Professor Jarrod Haar finds out.
covid and budget change

NZ’s COVID-19 budget and climate change

Social sciences and public policy
18 May, 2020
New Zealand's COVID-19 budget delivers on one crisis, but largely leaves climate change for another day, writes Dr David Hall.

Future of work explored at Techtalk

12 May, 2020
Business School lecturer Lena Waizenegger shared findings from her latest research on the first ever virtual international Techtalk.
Text on a woven Pacific background:

Pacific language video series

Health sciences
08 May, 2020
A video series by AUT will highlight the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study’s work in shaping resilient futures for Pacific communities.
Antarctica funding granted

AUT team joins global Antarctic project

06 May, 2020
The Australian Government has awarded AUD $36 million to a research program, Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF).
Liz Binns

Physio for older adults from a distance

Health sciences
01 May, 2020
AUT researchers have developed an exercise programme for housebound older adults, to prevent loss of mobility and independence during COVID-19.
2. Goodbye to openplan office

Will COVID-19 kill open-plan offices?

30 Apr, 2020
How will organisations adapt to ensure workplaces are collaborative, productive and virus-free?
Jarrod Haar

Kiwis carry on calmly during COVID-19

28 Apr, 2020
Feeling like most people in New Zealand are handling the COVID-19 lockdown well? New research shows we are doing just that.
BEL_covid experts

Our experts weigh in on COVID-19

21 Apr, 2020
Business, Economics and Law academics contribute to the global conversation about COVID-19.
Digital platform

Vital to protect human rights online

15 Apr, 2020
As use of digital platforms surges, two AUT academics explain why we’ll need stronger global efforts to protect human rights online.


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