All news

Cartoon depiction of a health professional checking a child's ear.

Pacific language videos: Cook Islands

Health sciences
03 Aug, 2020
The Cook Islands episode in AUT’s Pacific language video series – ‘Adapting to a changing world, shaping resilient futures’ – is out now.
Clean Energy

$1.29m for ‘clean energy’ project

21 Jul, 2020
AUT is set to receive $1.29 million from the latest round of funding from the Government's New Zealand Upgrade Programme.
Replacing farm animals with crops

Switching farm animals for crops?

21 Jul, 2020
Climate Explained: What if we took all farm animals off the land and planted crops and trees instead? Professor Sebastian Leuzinger investigates.
Green Impact

Green Impact Australasian awards

21 Jul, 2020
Annie McKillop, Staff Development & Engagement Co-ordinator at AUT Library, has been named Staff Champion in the Green Impact Australasian awards.
Sustainability block cover

Role of sustainability experts explored

12 Jun, 2020
AUT participated in a collaborative research project delving into the rapidly evolving roles of sustainability professionals in NZ organisations.
Energy consumption image

Market leading energy rating for AUT

08 Jun, 2020
An AUT building has been awarded 5 out of 6 stars for the NABERSNZ Energy Rating putting it amongst some of the most energy efficient buildings in NZ.
Text on a woven Pacific background:

Pacific language video series

Health sciences
08 May, 2020
A video series by AUT will highlight the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study’s work in shaping resilient futures for Pacific communities.
THE Impact Ratings

AUT ranked in top 25 for tackling global issues

24 Apr, 2020
The latest THE Impact Rankings have been released and AUT ranks 23rd in the world and 1st against the Decent Work and Economic Growth goal
Life on land

Recloaking the land

10 Mar, 2020
AUT Science project Living Labs, is researching the best ways to reintroduce native forest to marginal land across New Zealand.
Grounds maintenance staff with electric equipment

Grounds maintenance goes green

10 Feb, 2020
AUT's Estates team has brought in two new grounds maintenance contractors who are committed to using all electric gear where possible.


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