Social sciences and public policy news

A screenshot of the cartoon video showing waves encroaching on Tokelau.

Tokelau Language Week 2022

Social sciences and public policy
25 Oct, 2022
The final episode of AUT’s 2022 Pacific Language Week Video series – AUT Focus on Sustainability — has been released.
Record ranking for AUT

Record ranking for AUT

12 Oct, 2022
AUT has claimed its highest-ever place among New Zealand universities in the latest global rankings.
David Hall standing hands in pockets amongst the trees in Albert Park.

Can cities plant away climate emissions?

Social sciences and public policy
28 Sep, 2022
In the real world, David Hall argues, this is not feasible, fair or future-proofed for cities to just plant their way out of climate change.
Professor Rhema Vaithianathan standing smiling with arms crossed.

Machine learning to help the homeless

Social sciences and public policy
16 Aug, 2022
Plenty of interest is being shown in AUT’s use of machine learning that reduces issues of systemic racism when housing the homeless.
A cartoon graphic showing green technologies and a hand holding a coin.

Was Covid-19 good for climate spending?

Social sciences and public policy
18 Jul, 2022
The global Covid-19 pandemic gave an opportunity to spend on New Zealand’s response to the climate crises, but did it?
Dame Judy McGregor standing arms crossed and smiling in front of a Pacific tapestry

Judy McGregor made a Dame Companion

Social sciences and public policy
10 Jun, 2022
Dame Judy McGregor has “lifted the voices and improved the lives of women, children and older people around the world”.
Air of compromise

Emissions reduction plan lacks strategy

Social sciences and public policy
18 May, 2022
The newly released Emissions Reduction Plan was supposed to get real about urgent climate action – and it partially achieves this, but only partially.
Treat public health like transport

Treat public health like transport

Social sciences and public policy
16 May, 2022
The pandemic might have revealed the importance of robust public health infrastructure, but we still have trouble grasping the vital need to invest in it.
IPCC Report

How NZ can reduce emissions faster

Social sciences and public policy
08 Apr, 2022
This week’s IPCC follow-up report on climate mitigation confirms the transition to net zero is underway, however inadequately.


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