Health sciences news

Text on a woven Pacific background:

Pacific language video series

Health sciences
08 May, 2020
A video series by AUT will highlight the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) Study’s work in shaping resilient futures for Pacific communities.
Liz Binns

Physio for older adults from a distance

Health sciences
01 May, 2020
AUT researchers have developed an exercise programme for housebound older adults, to prevent loss of mobility and independence during COVID-19.

Webinars tackle racism in Aotearoa

Health sciences
05 Mar, 2020
An innovative new event creating open access resources for Tiriti education and the fight against racism is taking place from March 21-30 2020.

How adolescents define well being

Health sciences
03 Mar, 2020
Tweens see family and friends as the surest way towards wellbeing
Professor Valery Feigin

Nearly everyone at risk of stroke

Health sciences
25 Feb, 2020
Professor Valery Feigin at AUT suggests that categorising people into ‘low, moderate or high’ risk of stroke should be abandoned.
Dental Clinic

High-carb food a cause of tooth decay

Health sciences
07 Feb, 2020
An AUT study is recommending changes to eating guidelines for young people to reduce New Zealand’s epidemic of childhood tooth decay.
Dr Heather Came

Policy requires te Tiriti compliance

Health sciences
05 Feb, 2020
Dr Heather Came advocates a new tool for evaluating health policy in relation to te Tiriti o Waitangi.

AUT professor named ISBNPA president

31 Jan, 2020
Professor Erica Hinckson has been elected as President of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Emeritus Professor of Nutrition, Elaine Rush

Big bodies need big servings of 5+ a day

Health sciences
14 Jan, 2020
New study recommends greater variety and colour in food dietary guidelines, and serving sizes in direct proportion to body size.
Dr Ali Seyfoddin

Medicinal cannabis research

Health sciences
13 Dec, 2019
AUT and Zeacann Ltd have received approval from the Ministry of Health for medicinal cannabis research and development.


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