Health sciences news

Erica Hinckson

Creating healthy and sustainable cities

Health sciences
16 May, 2022
A ground-breaking study has benchmarked urban planning policies that promote health and sustainability in cities around the globe.
A school aged girl eating chips and a donut out of a lunchbox.

School ban on sugary drinks won't help

Health sciences
11 May, 2022
Professor Grant Schofield thinks a ban on sugary drinks in schools will do nothing measurable and, at worse, it borders on virtue signalling.
Eleanor Holroyd

The legacy of lockdown

Health sciences
04 May, 2022
A new study, which examines the impact of COVID-19 on community healthcare workers in Aotearoa, shows that the negative effects were long-lasting.
Te Tiriti: Two perspectives

Te Tiriti: Two perspectives

Health sciences
15 Mar, 2022
Q+A with ‘Te Tiriti-based futures + Anti-racism 2022’ event organisers – Heather Came (Pākehā activist-scholar) and Eridani Baker (Māori student-activist).
Lead author of the study Dr Margaret Sandham.

Predicting changes in clinical status

Health sciences
21 Feb, 2022
New research in palliative care shows that machine learning can predict changes in patients’ clinical status, enabling early medical interventions.
Lecturer in Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Dr Lorenzo Garcia


03 Feb, 2022
Researchers have uncovered a link between the sharpness of surgical implements and the risk of post-surgery infection.
Professor Daniel Shepherd

Deprivation a poor predictor of health

Health sciences
02 Feb, 2022
An AUT study shows that the perceived amenity of your neighbourhood is a better predictor of health-related quality of life than socioeconomic status.
From left to right, Professor Alice Theadom, Assoc. Prof. Gwn Lewis' and Professor Patria Hume.

Health report: NZ male ex-rugby players

Health sciences
01 Feb, 2022
AUT study commissioned by World Rugby to better understand the longer-term impacts of sport’s participation and to inform welfare advances.
Researchers as pictured Top row, Left to Right: Dr Tago Mharapara, Dr Janine Clemons, Assoc. Prof. Katherine Ravenswood, Dr Lesley Dixon. Bottom row, Left to Right: Dr Nimbus Staniland, Mrs Stacey Gillard-Tito, Ms Talei Jackson, Prof. Gill Kirton.

Interdisciplinary team wins health grant

26 Jan, 2022
An interdisciplinary team of AUT researchers has won a major grant from the Health Research Council.
Prof John Cronin

Small weights strong impact

Health sciences
20 Jan, 2022
Moving with small weights increases your strength as effectively as lifting large loads, AUT professor John Cronin explains wearable resistance.


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