Accounting for Social Impact Research Group

The aim of the Accounting for Social Impact Research Group is to promote stakeholder-informed and practice-relevant research on accounting for social impact.

Social impact is a significant and emergent theme in contemporary business theory, practice and education. Our research addresses accounting issues affecting organisations that seek to achieve positive social impact. These organisations include:

  • Not-for-profit organisations including charities and non-government organisations (NGOs)
  • Public sector organisations
  • Profit-making social enterprises

The focus of the group’s research is on developing evidence-based understanding of how accounting policy and practice can support the achievement, evaluation and reporting of social impact.

Current research

The Accounting for Social Impact Research Group maintains an active role in research projects in New Zealand and around the world.

Affiliations and stakeholders

We are affiliated with a number of institutions and international researchers, and have a panel for stakeholder engagement.

  • Centre for Not-for-profit and Public Sector Research, Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland
  • Centre for Social Impact, Foundation North, New Zealand
  • Impact Hub, Taipei
  • The Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research (ANZTSR)
  • Professor Carolyn Cordery, Aston University UK and Victoria University NZ; joint editor of Third Sector Review.
  • Professor Marc Epstein, formerly of Rice University, Stanford Business School, Harvard Business School and INSEAD; co-author of “Measuring and Improving Social Impacts” (2014).
  • Professor Noel Hyndman of the Centre for Not-for-profit and Public Sector Research at Queen’s University.
  • Associate Professor Helen Tregidga, Royal Holloway University of London.
  • Craig Fisher, New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board member; Audit Partner and Chairman of the RSM New Zealand (audits not-for-profit and charitable organisations).
  • Dr Bev Gatenby, former Chief Executive of Trust Waikato (2006-2016); founding CEO of Social Services Waikato (2001-2006).
  • Jennifer Gill ONZM, CEO of Foundation North; Board Advisor for the Centre for Social Impact.
  • Anthony Heffernan, Director Accounting Standards, External Reporting Board.
  • Rick Jones, Country Head of CPA Australia and Chair of the CPA Not-for-profit Committee.
  • Charmaine Meyers, co-founder of Fairground (formerly Enspiral Accounting)
  • Andrew Phillips, Manager of Engagement and Business Improvement at Charities Services.
  • Janette Searle, Founder and Managing Trustee of Take My Hands, and Edmund Hillary Fellow (Cohort 5).
  • Gali Slyuzberg, Project Manager - Accounting Standards, External Reporting Board.
  • Dr Shilinka Smith, Principal Advisor – Performance at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; former Director of Research Development at the Office of the Auditor General.
  • Wayne Tukiri, Associate Director of RSM New Zealand.