Jobs at AUT - Career opportunities

Browse current job vacancies and find out about the career opportunities and working environment our staff enjoy. When you join us, you’ll be part of a community dedicated to helping you develop in your career at AUT.

city campus

AUT City Campus

55 Wellesley Street East
Auckland Central
north campus

AUT North Campus

90 Akoranga Drive
Northcote, Auckland
south campus

AUT South Campus

640 Great South Rd
Manukau, Auckland

Explore career opportunities and staff benefits

When you work at AUT, you'll get access to great facilities, as well as benefits like ongoing professional development and other career opportunities. You'll join a diverse, inclusive and vibrant workforce where we support your professional and personal development.

Find out what it's like to work here

Times Higher Education ranking

QS Rankings 5 stars

GenderTick logo

Pride Pledge logo

AUT supports the hidden disabilities sunflower

Hearing Accredited Employer Certification

Contact us

If you have a question about a specific job, contact the recruitment consultant named in the job listing.

General enquiries about working at AUT

AUT People and Culture team:
Phone: +64 9 921 9499
Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Contact us online