This is your central hub for all things Pacific at AUT. Here you will hear stories of our staff and students at AUT, discover our engagement with communities, and learn more of the research that impacts the lives of our Pacific people.
Whether you're a Pacific student, Pacific staff member or a part of our wider Pacific community, the Office of Pacific Advancement has been set up to champion all things Pacific here at Te Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau - Auckland University of Technology.
We have a team of Taunga dedicated to supporting Pacific students across all three campuses. From academic and financial support to pastoral care and food, our Vā Pasifika spaces exist to help every Pacific student throughout their university journey.
Tonga’s future lives in its villages
Rift highlights drivers of foreign aid
Eke Tangaroa is a unique programme designed to increase the number of Māori and Pacific academics at AUT by appointing early career academics and supporting them to establish research-active academic careers.